Rogoway Law Group | California Cannabis Law Firm

California Alcoholic Beverage Control Act ("ABC Act")

Codified as
The California Business and Professions Code
Division 9
Alcoholic Beverages

ARTICLE 2. Prohibited Activity


Wine Law

Beverage Law


Regulatory Compliance

Corporate & Transactional

ABC Act Chapters

Chapter 1. General Provisions and Definitions.

Chapter 1.5. Administration.

Chapter 2. Authorized Unlicensed Transactions and Exemptions.

Chapter 3. Licenses and Fees.

Chapter 4. Imports.

Chapter 5. Restrictions on Issuance of Licenses.

Chapter 6. Issuance and Transfer of Licenses.

Chapter 7. Suspension and Revocation of Licenses.

Chapter 8. Hearings.

Chapter 9. Excise Taxes [Repealed].

Chapter 10. Alcoholic Beverages Fair Trade Contracts and Price Posting [Repealed].

Chapter 11. Wine Fair Trade Contracts and Price Posting [Repealed].

Chapter 12. Beer Price Posting and Marketing Regulations.

Chapter 13. Labels and Containers.

Chapter 14. Seizure and Forfeiture of Property.

Chapter 15. Tied–House Restrictions.

Chapter 16. Regulatory Provisions.

Chapter 17. Administrative Provisions.

Chapter 18. Alcoholic Rehabilitation [Repealed].

Table of Contents

§ 23060. Prohibited activities

Neither the Director of Alcoholic Beverage Control nor any member of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board shall have or do any of the following:

(a) Receive any commission or profit whatsoever, directly or indirectly, from any person applying for or receiving any license or permit under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act.

(b) Engage or have any interest in the sale or any insurance covering a licensee’s business or premises.

(c) Engage or have any interest in the sale of equipment for use upon licensed premises.

(d) Knowingly solicit any licensee for the purchase of tickets for benefits or contributions for benefits.

(e) Knowingly request any licensee to donate or receive money, or any other thing of value, for the benefit of any person whatsoever.

Any person who violates any provision of this section shall be removed from office.

(Added by Stats. 1954, 1st Ex. Sess., Ch. 20.)



Article 2, Chapter 1.5, under the California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) regulations, specifically focuses on prohibited activities. Section 23060 outlines strict prohibitions to maintain integrity within the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. It bars the Director and members of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board from receiving commissions or profits from licensees, engaging in insurance or equipment sales related to licensed premises, soliciting licensees for benefit contributions, or requesting donations from licensees. Violations of these prohibitions result in removal from office. Understanding these rules helps ensure a fair and impartial regulatory environment for all stakeholders in the alcoholic beverage industry.