Legal Insights

Social Equity Plan Requirement for Oregon Psilocybin Licenses
Rogoway Law Group

Understanding the Social Equity Plan Requirement for Oregon Psilocybin Licenses

Introduction The psilocybin industry in Oregon has recently been regulated by the Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division (“OHA” or “Authority”) under its new section, the Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS). OHA and is now accepting licensing applications for psilocybin businesses and services and one of the key requirements for potential psilocybin manufacturers, service centers, facilitators, and laboratories is to submit

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FDA Announces Concerns Regarding CBD Products
Hilary St. Jean

FDA Announces Concerns Regarding CBD Products and a Punt to Congress

As you may be aware, over four years after the federal government signed the 2018 Farm Bill into law,  last week, on January 26, 2023, the FDA announced that it will not engage in any rulemaking processes related to CBD or other similar cannabis-derived compounds because it is unable to safely regulate such compounds under its existing regulatory processes. Additionally,

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California DCC Regulations for Cannabis Retailers
Rogoway Law Group

NEW 2023 California DCC Regulations for Cannabis Retailers: A Compliance Snapshot

Background: Assembly Bill 195 & DCC Emergency Regulations New track and trace requirements have hit the books for commercial cannabis retailers engaged in sales via delivery. As you may remember, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a slew of cannabis-related legislation into law in June of 2022, including Assembly Bill 195. On December 7, 2022, in response to the Governor’s passage

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Liability Waivers for Psilocybin Service Centers
Josh Zetlin

Liability Waivers for Oregon Psilocybin Service Centers

Consumer-facing businesses in emerging industries face extensive risks, especially when the core business service constitutes a potentially dangerous or hazardous activity. This maxim holds true for psilocybin service centers in Oregon, where customers pay to receive cutting-edge therapies involving controlled substances. Written liability waivers represent one of the best ways for psilocybin service centers in Oregon to mitigate their risks. What Legal

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Josh Zetlin

Labeling and Trademarks for Oregon Psilocybin Manufacturers

Oregon leads the nation in building a regulated psilocybin industry.  As this industry grows and matures, operators must remain mindful of important intersections between regulations and intellectual property.   Background: Oregon Psilocybin Services Act & Finalized Rules The Oregon Psilocybin Services Act Ballot Measure 109 (M109), otherwise known as the Oregon Psilocybin Services Act (the “OPSA”), established a legal basis for

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Contracting Considerations for Oregon Psilocybin License Residency Requirements
Hilary St. Jean

Contracting Considerations for Residency Requirements under the Oregon Psilocybin Services Act (ORS 475A)

Oregon approved Ballot Measure 109 (M109) and put into place the Oregon Psilocybin Services Act (the “Act”) to allow for consumption of psilocybin at certain licensed service centers through licensed facilitators and administrators in the State of Oregon. It was voted into law in November 2020 and is codified in the Oregon Revised Statutes under ORS 475A. Following a two-year

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Oregon Psilocybin Products Packaging and Labeling Rules and Restrictions
Rogoway Law Group

Oregon Psilocybin Manufacturers: Client Packaging and Labeling Rules and Restrictions

Similar to the packaging and labeling requirements for cannabis products, Oregon’s psilocybin manufacturers have to comply with strict packaging and labeling rules for their psilocybin products.  Psilocybin remains a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance at the Federal level, and the packaging and labeling regulations ensure that minors and other unintended persons don’t access psilocybin products.  However, unlike the adult-use cannabis industry,

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Josh Zetlin

NFTs, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, and the Next Frontier of Trademarks

Most nationally recognized brands seem to remain bullish on expanding into next-generation frontiers, such as Web3, non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”), virtual goods, and even cryptocurrencies. Taking their cue from giants in other industries, ambitious cannabis, beverage, and other highly-regulated industry companies may want to shore up their brand protection assets in these important spaces before it’s too late.

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