Legal Insights

Labor and Employment | Breweries | Brewery | Lawyers | Legal Matters
Hilary St. Jean

Key Legal Considerations for Breweries, Part II: Labor and Employment Matters

Introduction to Labor and Employment Issues in Breweries All startups face challenges, but certain recurring issues are especially important to address at the very early stage of a business and throughout the lifecycle of a business.  Breweries must be mindful of labor and employment matters, including how they categorize employees verses independent contractors, having employee policies and handbooks in place,

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Hilary St. Jean

Key Legal Considerations for Breweries, Part I: Transactional and Contract Matters

Introduction to Industry-Specific Challenges All startups face challenges, but some industries experience a more specific subset of issues than others.  Breweries (particularly larger breweries and sometimes midsize breweries) are at increased risk for failure due to market competition, difficulty accessing funding and other specific commercial relationship risks that can impact accounts receivable, access to inventory and movement of product. Additionally,

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Increase to Minimum Wage; Maximum Tip Credit; and Minimum Cash Wages for Tipped Employees in Maine
Hilary St. Jean

Reminder of Maine Wage Changes as 2024 Approaches

The State of Maine is enacting more protective laws for its residents in the arena of employment law. It is worth reminding businesses of what’s to come in the near term and in the longer-term future of Maine employment laws. It is the second state in 2023 to set up a state-based paid family and medical leave program (see below).

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Hilary St. Jean

Classification of Employees and Independent Contractors in Maine

Why Does Classification of Service Providers Matter? Appropriately classifying workers is extremely important for several reasons under applicable employment, labor and tax laws and is a matter of both federal and state law. Misclassification of workers is illegal. Some employers may intentionally misclassify workers as independent contractors instead of employees in order to avoid paying for and observing certain employee-related

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Living Will and Healthcare Directives for Maine Residents
Hilary St. Jean

Maine Healthcare Directives and Living Wills

Often when you attend a doctor’s appointment in Maine, one of the questions that will be asked of you at registration or check-in, is whether you have a “living will” or “advanced healthcare directive” and if so, if it is on file with the provider. Your answer may be a simple “yes” or “no”, but this blog is intended to

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Maine B. Corporations- The Future of Purpose-Driven Economics
Hilary St. Jean

Maine B. Corporations- The Future of Purpose-Driven Economics

Anyone familiar with the State of Maine understands that Mainers take pride in the beauty of the outdoors, the support of local communities and businesses, prioritizing environmental sustainability and ethical operations. Maine is built off of a rich history of rocky coast, sea-faring pioneers; animal-loving residents; hiking; sailing; biking; camping; tourism; retail; hospitality and food and beverage.  Maine residents and

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