Legal Insights

Cannabis Compliance: No. 1 Thing to Focus On, Given Uncertainty with Feds
Rogoway Law Group

Cannabis Compliance: No. 1 Thing to Focus On, Given Uncertainty with Feds

What California Cannabis Industry Players Should Take Away from Recent Statements by Trump Administration? Amid a lot of noise about cannabis laws, there are actual developments. First, the Trump Administration signaled its tolerance for medical cannabis but predicted “greater enforcement” against recreational cannabis. Then, Attorney General Sessions criticized arguments in favor of legalization commonly advanced in states like Colorado (where recreational

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Future of Cannabis Under Proposition 64
Rogoway Law Group

Three Things to Consider Regarding the Future of Cannabis Under Proposition 64 and the Trump Administration

In these Cannabis Law Updates, Rogoway Law will keep you informed of the latest developments and address their importance to those actually involved in the California cannabis industry. Here, now that California voters have passed Proposition 64 and the nation has elected Donald Trump to be President, we highlight three issues: (1) the impact of Prop. 64; (2) the impact of

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